Greenline Package
Greenline Package is an online platform for labelling life cycle emissions of paperboard packages.
The calculator quantifies life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of a paperboard package production based on your specific order criteria, determines the label parameters and generates a unique label for immediate downloading and publishing.
Our aim is to make paperboard package production more transparent and to encourage customers to choose the smallest climate impact for their packages.
Our core principles
- Solid methodology
Greenline Package is a cradle-to-gate life cycle carbon footprint platform. The accuracy and credibility of the calculations executed in the Greenline Package interface is granted by following the specifications of ISO 16759:2013, which is a specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services.
- No carbon
Our stance on carbon offsetting is that it doesn’t communicate the real value of environmental efforts in the paper and printing industry and does not stimulate emissions reduction in production. Therefore we do not offer any forms of carbon offsetting.
Greenline Package utilises a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment approach. The needed data is acquired from producers and high quality literature and the calculations have been implemented according to ISO 16759:2013.
The cradle-to-gate life cycle carbon emissions are calculated per tonne of material consumed, including paperboard waste and other materials that don’t end up in the final product.